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Change Management Zobrazit větší

Change Management

ISBN 978-80-88330-89-9


Although the MOC is traditionally derived according to models and abilities of leaders, the new technologies are changing the subject of MOC. The topic of the change is often becoming management itself. It depends on the environmental dynamism, whether and how much managerial power the managers will hold and what takes over the technology.

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12 ks

800,00 Kč


Autor Linhart Zdeněk
Rok vydání 2022

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Many people say that a crisis is an opportunity. Unfortunately, they cannot demonstrate it in their results. This study text does it when demonstrating how to quantify and acquire relationships between elements of change models. Leaders are advised how to run restructuring of the organisation from its internal sources before liquidators transfer managerial and ownership rights to someone else. Leaders move away from deductive thinking towards using inductive thinking to elaborate mysteries and complexity (Turner, 2021). Do you feel challenged to change your organisation to be able to win markets by mysteries and complexity? The problem is that there are too many wise people who hate and paralyze each other. Therefore, you need to learn from models of the organisational change what they will do and get ready with proper actions when it happens.


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